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Sabtu, 28 November 2009

Diposting oleh miss ind di 01.19 0 komentar

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Diposting oleh miss ind di 00.48 0 komentar

Straight talk about drugs

Drugs seem to be everywhere you turn. You probably hear about them in movies, on TV, in the news, or even at school. It’s almost like everyone is using them. But did you know that most teens don't use drugs? What's important is that you understand exactly what's out there, what's being offered to you, why your friends may pressure you to use them, and what drugs do to your body.

what are drugs?

Drugs are substances that change the way your brain and body work. Drugs can be swallowed, inhaled, smoked, or injected. Whichever way drugs are taken, they end up in your bloodstream and go to all parts of your body.

Many drugs are illegal, meaning it is against the law to have them. Our list of illegal drugs explains the dangers of many different types.

Be smart about prescription and over-the-counter medicines

  • Prescription medicine is given to you by a doctor if you have an injury, illness, or other health problem. You must follow your doctor's directions on how to take your medicine. Do NOT take someone else's prescription medicine or share your medicine with others. This isn't legal or safe. It may seem harmless to pop someone else's painkiller or ADHD drug, but the health risks are huge. And, it is even more dangerous if alcohol is involved.
  • You do not need a doctor's prescription to buy over-the-counter (OTC) drugs at a pharmacy or grocery store. OTC drugs are used for colds, pain, and other health problems. You must follow the directions on how to take your medicine. Using OTC drugs, such as Robitussin and Benadryl cough syrup, to “catch a high” can put your health in danger. DXM or Dex, the name for cold medicines made with dextromethorphan, can be especially dangerous.
  • Do NOT take any type of medicine without talking to your parents or guardians first. You must use caution in taking any prescription or OTC drug. If abused, both types of drugs can be deadly.

Here’s the real truth about illegal drugs

  • Drugs wear off, but they can cause life-long damage to your body.
  • Many drugs are addictive, which means it can be really hard to quit.
  • Drugs affect your mind, making it harder to make safe choices and defend yourself in dangerous situations.
  • Drug use can lead to unsafe sexual practices, which put you at risk for getting HIV. Learn more about the link between drugs and HIV
  • Drugs are toxic and are not meant to be in your body. Your body can have an extreme reaction – you can become really sick or even die. This happens to teens every day.
  • Drugs make you look ugly! Not only are drugs bad for your health, they can alter your looks dramatically! show the tragic toll that can take on a person's physical appearance. One of the most reported physical and mental effects of the drug is "crank bugs." The "crank bugs" cause a sensation that there are bugs under the skin and the person keeps scratching at them until their arms, legs, faces, and bodies are all scarred with sores and blisters.

Why do teens take drugs?

two girlsThere are many reasons teens might choose to use drugs. For some young people, using drugs makes them feel grown up. Or they think drugs will help them fit in and belong to a group. Some teens use drugs to relax and feel good, or to have more fun at a party or club. Others use drugs as a way to take risks and rebel. Some teens try drugs because they are curious. The bad news is that, in every case, using drugs is the worst way to do all of these things.

The good news is that there are many more positive and healthy ways to feel grown up, be part of a group, relax and feel good, take risks, and satisfy curiosity. If you are looking for a challenge, try activities like rock climbing, hiking, or skiing. Join a club or sports team at school if you want to make friends and learn something new. You can even start your own club! Going out to a movie or shopping with friends are great ways to relax and have fun. You can probably think of many more great things that don’t involve using drugs!

Be safe: choose not to use

Ok. So you know that drugs can cause terrible problems. Now what? The hardest part is telling your friends or anyone who offers you drugs, "NO", but it is definitely worth it! Most teens have made the decision not to use drugs. Making a decision not to use drugs takes courage but you can do it! Here are some ways you can choose not to use:

Know when there’s a problem

girls chattingHow do you know a friend has a problem with drugs? Here are some signs:

  • A person who has a drug problem thinks drugs are the solution to all problems. She may spend all of her free time figuring out how to do drugs and how to get money to buy drugs.
  • She is anxious, depressed, and irritable.
  • She has dropped out of regular school activities and has a group of drug-using friends.
  • Her grades have dropped and she may not come to school regularly.
  • Her sleep habits have changed.
  • She seems to have gained or lost a lot of weight.
  • She may look sick, tired, or even messy.
  • She also seems to be taking more and more of the drug to get the same effect.

If you or someone you know shows some of these signs, you can get help! The only way out of drug addiction is to recognize that there is a problem and that you can get help from others. Turn to your parents, teachers, counselors, or any adult you trust—they care about you. Although it won't be easy, you or your friend can stop using drugs. Don't be ashamed. Asking for help could be the best decision you ever made.

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Diposting oleh miss ind di 00.03 0 komentar
Magic Tips From ChinA

Every girls wants to be beautiful,but the topics on how to be beautiful differ from each countries.There are 3 things that Chienes beauty cares most: SKIN,EYES & HAIR.I have magic tips to improve out body condition in quiete,healthy and cheap way.Here's the tips:
Try to put some lavender oil and milk when washimg your hair,you will find the hair smoother than before.Meanwhile,ear mushroom and ginger are the healthiest food for improving hair condition.

We can cover our eyes using black tea for 5 minutes everyday to remove eye bags.Apple piece also works.Sometimes models like to drink a cu of espresso in the morning for the eye bag emergency.

Grapes and green tea are the best friends to help the antioxidant,while sugar and fried food are strongest enemies.And,put a little vinegar when you have a hot bath,b'coz it can soften and clean the skin deeply.At last,drink much much much much water everyday,at least 2000 cc.

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Sabtu, 07 November 2009

you belong with me-taylor swift

Diposting oleh miss ind di 19.49 0 komentar

taylor swift's nice clip.
check this out!
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Sabtu, 31 Oktober 2009

Diposting oleh miss ind di 22.00 0 komentar

with solidarity,friendship and spirit to get the best.We are "Raksa",took part in 50th SMADA ANNIVERSARY
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evolusi populasi

Diposting oleh miss ind di 21.46 0 komentar


> Sintesis evolusioner modern menggabungkan konsep seleksi Darwin dengan konsep pewarisan Madelian
> Struktur genetik suatu populasi ditentukan oleh frekuensi alel dan genotipenya
> Teorema Hardy-Weinberg menjelaskan suatu populasi yang tidak berevolusi


> Mikroevolusi merupakan perubahan dari generasi ke generasi dalam alel atau frekuensi genotipe suatu populasi
> Lima penyebab mikroevolusi adalah hanyutan genetik (genetic drift), aliran gen (gene flow), mutasi, perkawinan tidak acak, dan seleksi alam


> Variasi genetik terjadi di dalam dan antarpopulasi
> Mutasi dan rekombinasi seksual menyebabkan adanya variasi genetik
> Diploidi dan polimorfisme seimbang mempertahankan variasi


> Kelestarian evolusioner (evolutionary fitness) merupakan sumbangan relatif yang diberikan oleh suatu individu pada kumpulan gen (gene pool) generasi berikutnya
> Pengaruh seleksi pada berbagai sifat dapat bersifat menstabilkan, mengarahkan, atau menganekaragamkan
> Seleksi seksual dapat mengarah pada perbedaan sekunder antarjenis kelamin
> Seleksi alam tidak dapat membentuk organisme yang sempurna
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